
Monday, 24 October 2011

Against Anarcho-Illuminism

Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati Manifesto
By Wayne John Sturgeon

WAYNE JOHN STURGEON - a British Israelite - has a keen interest in political and Occult conspiracies, Arthurian legend and the English visionary William Blake. He is also the brains behind Albion Awake and is perhaps best described as an Anarcho-Nationalist, applying a distinctly non-violent and anti-fascist approach to national liberation.

On Mayday 1776 Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati (otherwise known as the Order of Perfectibilists). He was of Jewish background, had been educated and trained by the Jesuits/Society of Jesus before becoming a Protestant and then a pantheist under the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza.

This adoption of pantheism would further develop into an occult-based humanism and a socio-political programme that held the following SIX basic tenets of doctrine:
Abolition of monarchy and all ordered governments
Abolition of private property
Abolition of inheritance
Abolition of patriotism
Abolition of the family (i.e of marriage, all Christian morality and the institution of the communal education of children)
Abolition of all religion

What is very interesting about this Manifesto is that it essentially encapsulates in short, systematic form the basic and generally accepted beliefs of secular Anarchism (and sometime before the advent of people like Proudhon and Bakunin!).

Can one conclude then, that the philosophical basis for Anarchist ideology as it is commonly accepted and understood today originated within a particular branch of esoteric freemasonry just prior to the French Revolution?

What is also striking about this is that no one can apply it to the basic vision of the New World Order (the contemporary manifestation of the Illuminati plan and conspiracy for a Judeo-Masonic one world government and religion?).

Globalisation and neo-liberalism is doing today exactly what the six points of Weishaupt’s programme was trying to do and achieve through seditious and instrumental action all those many years ago.

The infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion document appears to be based on the same basic principals in historical continuity and it has much to say concerning the spread of Anarchist ideology (the background, history and its contested authenticity etc. is best answered by issues 16-17 of The Truth Campaign Magazine, edited by Ivan Frazer, 49 Trevor Terrace, North Shields, Tyne and Wear NE30 2DF, England. Website: uk/truthcampaign.html). Whilst Ivan Frazer suggests that the Protocols are an authentic document, the best case for arguing that they are a forgery has been articulated by the brilliant Norman Cohn in his book Warrant For Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy. Also worthy of mention in this regard is the considerable critical research done by the libertarian Alexander Baron. The test is to consider both sides of the argument and keep an open mind before making an informed judgement.
Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin:
Anarchist freemasons and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It may come as a shock to many Anarchists out there that three of the main historical ideological founders of contemporary Anarchism - i.e. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Michael Bakunin and Peter Alexander Kropotkin - were all members of Masonic lodges (for a highly informative series of articles detailing the evolution of ‘Masonic’ Anarchism via secret societies please refer to the publication Mind the Gap, published by the Anarchist Nihilist accords. E-mail address: or telephone 0207 681 1225).

Bakunin’s lodge, otherwise known as ‘The International Social Democrat Alliance’, actually published a manifesto which undoubtedly built upon and developed the original prototype document credited to Weishaupt’s Illuminati, actually paraphrasing or plagiarising it in places!

Proudhon was part of a lodge cryptically entitled ‘The Black International’ of the Illuminati, in contrast to other parts or factions of the same umbrella organisation that was either called the ‘Red’ International/Illuminati and representing Communist ideology or the ‘Gold’ International representing Capitalist free marketeers etc.

Proudhon used the symbol of ‘the Beehive’ to conceptualise his vision of what was later to develop into Syndicalism, although according to some sources this is a secret code relating to a pyramidal scale of adepts controlled by one all-seeing eye or brain at the top, i.e. like a queen bee (see The Battle of the Trees by Renee Henry, Freedom House, 1995, Nesta H. Webster’s classic Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Christian Book Club of America, 1924, and also The Revolt Against Civilisation by Christina Lothrop Stoddard, 1923).

The controversial ideas contained in the infamous document entitled the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are also incredibly similar to the protocols of Weishaupt and Bakunin in places and cryptically mention Anarchism in two or three places, principally Protocols 1, 3 and 9. Protocol 3 actually reads: ‘We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry.’
Bolshevism, Zionism and the Second World War

The Protocols appeared in public just at the end of the Nineteenth Century and if one takes time to read and study them with an open but discerning mind they rather disturbingly appear to portray a kind of mystical demonic blueprint for the Twentieth Century (and perhaps early-Twenty-First, too).

They have consistently been credited with revealing an alleged Judaeo-Masonic conspiracy via the twin forces of Marxian ‘Bolshevik’ Communism and Rothschildian speculative Capitalism to bring about a United States of Europe, i.e. the EU, a League of Nations, the UN and a State of Israel in Palestine (and further to evolve into a centralised and authoritarian one world government and one world religion under a Talmudic Jewish Messiah figure - possibly the Anti-Christ - and all protected by the American Zionist-occupied Government).

Indeed, many controversial and revisionist historians have made the case that both world wars and especially the Second World War were actually engineered and manipulated from behind the scenes to bring about such a progressively evolving world picture, and people instrumental in bringing this about were the three figures of British Prime Minster Winston Churchill, American President Franklin Roosevelt and the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin. The Protocols make mention (Protocol 24) of the fact that ‘only the king and those who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming’, and the biblical Book of Revelation refers to a dragon who spits out ‘three’ unclean spirits (Chapter 16, Verse 13). Is this symbolic of three ideologies that will feature in bringing about the vision contained in the Protocols, i.e. Zionism as represented by Churchill (who actually referred to himself as an ‘architect of a Zionist future’), Capitalism represented by Roosevelt and Communism represented by Stalin?

Of course, what many people fail to appreciate is that to some extent the Second World War really started in Spain in 1936 via the Spanish Civil War, a conflict in which organised International Anarchism played a significant part. It was here that perhaps certain ideological forces shot and delivered their first blow against each other whether Communist, Capitalist, Anarchist or Fascist. And Fascism particularly of the Nazi variety had/has well proven and established roots in Theosophical reactionary Occultism and certain sinister secret societies which has been well documented by a number of researchers and authors. It appears, however, that Hitler and his cronies were really the ‘fall guys’ or Illuminati patsies for the plan as briefly outlined and alluded to above, as the Protocols make reference to actually needing ‘anti-Semitism for the management of the lesser brethren’. For anyone interested in investigating this theme further I strongly suggest the following material available from Bloomfield Books, 26 Meadow Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO20 6TD, England (Telephone 01787 376374): The Nameless War by Captain A.H.M. Ramsey, Deadlier Than the H-bomb by Leonard Young, and David Icke’s And the Truth Shall Set You Free).
‘If there is no God - then everything is permitted!’

So where does this all lead us? I’m sure this article will perhaps shock and surprise many in the contemporary Anarchist movement, particularly of the Leftist variety with a politically-correct axe to grind.

As an ‘Anarchist’ who is also a Christian I sometimes wonder if the atheistic roots of Anarchy actually originate with Weishaupt, indeed, the Protocols boast of the successes the conspirators have achieved via the philosophies of Darwin, Marx and Nietzsche (see Protocol 2) and when you consider the basic beliefs and doctrines of the so-called Illuminati mentioned at the beginning of this article you can see them lived out by many contemporary Anarchist organisations and individuals, and perhaps the agent-provocateur methodology of the secret societies springs to mind, i.e. to infiltrate Anarchist groups/movements etc. to cause certain disturbances, riots etc. but to ultimately further consolidate reactionary authoritarian power as the Protocols themselves suggest? Out of chaos, order: the New World Order.

As a Christian I reject all manifestations of secular idealism and organised naturalism whether it goes under the name of humanism, liberalism, post-modernism, the New Age or indeed ‘Anarchism’ of the secular-atheistic humanist variety with its Enlightenment/French Revolution cry of ‘no gods, no masters!’. Anarchy as a social and individual philosophy is actually in danger of being co-opted into a reactionary, pre-totalitarian force (via the contemporary so-called ‘peace’ movement), particularly in its ‘Leftist’ tradition (which is the dominant one in this country, at least). And even though it is right to challenge the growing trend towards globalisation and political and economic centralisation, environmental pollution etc. (all themes that appear regularly in ‘conservative’ evangelical Christian schools of prophecy in relation to the so-called ‘end times’), it still does so operating from a philosophical framework that is entirely consistent with the Illuminati plan for specifically anti-Christian social disintegration and ruin when, ironically, Christianity is the only world-view that actually holds the key to human liberation and freedom and values the intrinsic worth and dignity of personality amid the mass of numbers and reductionism that seeks to undermine the image of God in man and thus make him a slave to the tyranny of an idol made in his fallen image. Against such a vision I resist and make no apology when I cry:

Smash Anarcho-Illuminism
Resist the Judaeo-Masonic superstate
End Marxian Communism and Rothschildean Capitalism
For the awakening of Albion
The re-enchantment of Britain
And the truth against the world - Albion arise!
Important Note:

Tragic things have happened in history when people have needed social scapegoats to compensate for failed personalities, so I must make it perfectly clear that in writing this article I am not in the least bit promoting or encouraging any kind of so-called ‘anti-Semitism’, as in fact the term is Orwellian polemical doublespeak. The Arabs in Palestine are, properly speaking, of Semitic descent whilst the majority of Jews are not, being of European Khazar descent (see The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler). So the term ‘anti-Semite’ could be more accurately applied to the Arabs, i.e. anti-Arab which, ironically, the Zionist State of Israel actually is (the Talmud also being one of the most racist books ever written)!

I am not anti-Jewish, either, and believe all forms of religious or racially motivated hate or bigotry to be intrinsically wrong and contrary to the basic principles of an enlightened humanity. If I take issue with Talmudic Judaeo-Zionism (as I do with ‘fundamentalist’ Islam and Christianity), it is only with those in control, those in power, the global elite; not with the simple ‘Jewish’ guy in the street. Just like one may oppose the reactionary institution of the Papacy and its bastardised version of Christianity, i.e. the ‘hierarchy’ and not the laity or ‘Catholic’ people themselves. As Bob Marley once put it: ‘Shoot the sheriffs, not the deputies’, or words to that effect. This is a valid point to make and distinguish as all too often when one even dares to question alleged historical facts concerning for example the Second World War (and in particular the holocaust, as Bob Black of Anarchy After Leftism has), most Leftist Anarchists always react in the same pavlovian way and attack individuals like David Icke without even hearing him or giving him the courtesy of actually reading what he has written in order to distinguish from what he hasn’t!

Sometimes, in researching a theme it often means quoting from sources that might otherwise be considered dubious (i.e. to quote or use Nesta Webster as source material does not necessarily imply that one need agree with every point she made or view that she held. The truth may be quite to the contrary). Also, may I make it clear that anyone who believes the whole world is controlled from behind the scenes by a rabbinal clique is guilty of reactionary reductionism in the extreme. The truth is no doubt that there are several world conspiracies going on at any one time, depending on which particular ideology/religion is competing for world hegemony, whether it is Zionist, papal, Masonic or Islamic (and no doubt these guys all fight amongst themselves to see who’s vision will succeed).

No religion, ideology or institution is above criticism providing one is attacking a system and not a people. As for ‘anti-Semitism’, being a believer in the view that the British are of Semitic origin (i.e. descended from the biblical Shem) it is hard to be anti-Semitic myself! Interestingly, there is now a growing movement within Judaism which, whilst being non-Christian, accepts the Israelite origins of Western peoples (see reference to Yair Davidy Brit-am on the Albion Awake! website links section. Further discussion on this piece can be found in the article Towards a Non-Racial and Philo-Semitic Reconstruction of Anglo-Israelism, which is also on the Albion Awake! website). Although the majority of contemporary Jewry (90% being of Eastern European and Russian Khazar descent and known as ‘Ashkenazim’) does not have any legitimate claim to Palestine/Israel, the minority ‘Sephardic’ Jews are of true Semitic blood (via Spain, Africa etc.) and thus do have some legitimate claim to a homeland alongside the Muslim Arab population (who are descendants of the biblical ‘Ishmail’, please refer to Genesis 16 verses 1-16 and particularly verse 12). But not in the context of uprooting the indigenous Palestinian people who, despite the unbiblical rhetoric of much contemporary Christian Zionist fundamentalism, have every right to their own self-determination in the Promised Land. Never has the need for a ‘Libertarian-Zionism’ with a reconstruction of Jewish nationhood in harmony and self-determination and the best ethical traditions within Islam been more urgent than now, minus the authoritarian tendencies towards a dictatorial Islamic theocracy since all three of the major theistic traditions are ultimately derived from the biblical prophet Abraham.

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